So, it's the end of the month already. A wet and windy one at that.
Regular readers will know that I went to the Emirates Stadium last weekend to watch Arsenal beat Newcastle Utd 3-0 in the FA Cup. The stadium is impressive on the inside. A fantastic view of the pitch from wherever you are sat. The outside view of the stadium isn't so good though, until night time that is. During daylight hours it doesn't really look much more than grey concrete and glass, but at night the whole building comes alive. With a beautiful sunset to match the whole scene was quite magical.
Clicking on a picture will bring up a larger wallpaper sized version. You will have to use your browsers back button to return to the blog.
This weeks update is Pylle. Most people will only know of the bit that straddles the A37. This bit is not that photogenic in that there are few picturesque buildings and that the scenery is rather bland. However, if you make an effort to find the other half of the village you will be rewarded, as I hope the pictures show. Once again it shows how important it is to get off of the main highways to explore.
With an eye on the messy weather this weeks quote comes from Steven Wright.
"If you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain".
Update: As you should see on the Somerset3d site you can now download the WoollyAnaglyph Maker free of charge. This piece of software was put together for me by Phil Hand. I've known Phil since he was born (Which is a trade secret) as he lived three doors away from me at the time. He now lives in London and has been a big help to me in getting the software to do exactly what I want it to do, so all the plaudits should go to him. It is Vista friendly so go ahead and download and start making your own anaglyphs today.
This weeks update is for Catcott and I have also included another update for Gloucestershire by adding Stow-on-the-Wold to the available galleries.
My wife is very keen on the Cotswolds so expect more from the area as the year progresses.
The weather here is improving at last. I'm now biking the 5 miles to work to help reduce my carbon footprint and keep me fit (and to reduce my monthly bills). I don't bike every day as yet but aim to do at least two days a week and gradually build up to at least four over the next month or so. It will depend on the weather.
This weekend I'm visiting the Emirates Stadium to watch Arsenal v Newcastle Utd in the F.A. Cup. I've been a Gooner since I was 7 years old but don't get the chance to attend many matches. This will be the first one since the club moved to their new stadium. I'll take my cameras so, hopefully, there will be a 3d feature on the day sometime soon.
I'm really busy at the moment trying to get things done for my parents Golden Wedding Anniversary next month. I also need to get a move on with the next assignment on the BFP course and there's the 3d book to do too. I could do with a secretary to help me with all this. I must have a chat with my wife.
With the weekend coming up here's some good advice from Calvin (from Bill Watterson's wonderful Calvin & Hobbes).
"Weekends don't count unless you spend them doing something completely pointless". More next week.
Hello and good day from a wet and windy Somerset (again),
This week’s update includes the Cotswold Motor Museum as promised. As I said in last weeks post, definitely worth a visit. The area is taking rather a battering with the aforementioned weather of late. I have my fingers crossed that it doesn’t get any worse for them.
I start my BFP (Bureau of Freelance Photographers) course in earnest now, having submitted my first assignment before Christmas. I was pleased with the tutor’s response and now need to complete assignment 2, Understanding Magazines.
I know freelance photography is rather a saturated market but, as I’m going to take photos anyway, I might as well see if I can find a market for them too.
I’ll keep you informed of my progress.
I now have a small but growing portfolio on the Online Photographers website which you can go to by clicking here.
I would be interested in your views.
Before Christmas my Great uncle Roy passed away aged 95. Roy had a good sense of humour - when congratulated on his youthful appearance at 92; he replied "I never had anything to do with fast women or slow horses"
This weeks update includes Bourton-on-the-Water in the Cotswolds. Whilst we were there we visited the Cotswold Motor Museum and I can recommend you do the same should you visit the village. It's full of nostalgia from a bygone era. Not just motor cars but toys too. It was great fun showing my step-daughter the toys I used to have when I was her age. It's a pity I don't have them any longer as some of them would be worth a small fortune. Make sure you visit the 3d site next week for photos of the museum.
Tip for the day - Borrow money from pessimists - they don't expect it back.
Good morning and may I be the first 3d photographer from Somerset to say HAPPY NEW YEAR to you.
2007 was a busy year and I do believe that 2008 will be busier.
Back in October, during the Somerset3d 2nd anniversary celebrations, I announced that I would be doing a 3d book. Well, now I have to get myself organised and get the project started. The book will be of 3d pictures of Somerset to compliment the website. I still have to finalise what pictures will be included and also what size the book will be. I do know that the pictures will be bigger than they are on the website, possibly A3, but I don't know how many pages or whether it will be a hard back or softback publication. As you can see, plenty to be getting on with.
This weeks update on the main site is of West Quantoxhead. The pictures were taken more than two years apart. the first visit was a quick pit stop in May 2005 when returning back from Dunster. The second visit was in October of last year during a 3d day that included visits to Spaxton, Bishops Lydeard and Cothelstone.
As Oprah Winfrey once said "Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right".
I'm a 1960's vintage Englishman. I live in Somerset and have a passion for photography going back to my teens. 3D photography is a strong interest. Aside from my full-time job I'm also a Fitness Instructor and teacher (now retired), practice the guitar, enjoy family history and find 24 hours a day, 7 days a week just not long enough to do all the things I want to do. Any time I have left I prefer to spend with my wife (Secretary) and daughter (The Little One).