It's often hard to convince the female of the species just how severe this strain of the flu virus actually is! I'm often reminded of the struggle M.E. sufferers had in convincing practitioners and work colleagues that their ailment is real and not imagined. Man-Flu renders the victim helpless and unable to help themselves, constant attention is required to ensure they are kept well hydrated. An ancient mixture of hops, barley, a special yeast and water is the preferred remedy. The attack can last days, sometimes weeks, and only a true man will endeavour to ignore the distressing symptoms, and force their limbs to operate as near as normal to be able to attend work to ensure their families don't starve.
Well, before the 'Devils Disease' got hold of me we had a good weekend attending to the garden, giving it a much needed clean up and make-over. I also found time to visit a couple of villages to add to the 3d stock. Expect photos of Dundon and Butleigh to be coming your way soon.
Providing I am well enough I shall be in England's smallest city of Wells today (Thursday) where the BBC's Antique Roadshow is making an appearance. I shall be taking a couple of hours out of work to capture some 3d's of the event. These pictures will not be featured on the 3d website, instead they will be kept until I'm ready to produce a book on the city, sometime soon I hope. Talking of books, the photographer of the Bruges in 3d book, Frank Matthys, has yet to get back to me after I posted a set of questions to him. I was hoping to be able to round off the Bruges updates with his book review. We'll have to see what happens.
This weeks update is of the pretty village of Priston and the penultimate page of the new Bruges 3ds are also available to view. One of the pictures included is not one you'd expect to find in a Bruges portfolio. I came across this science-fiction shop in one of the many back streets of the city and came face to face with one of my favourite characters, the T100 from the first Terminator film. A fantastic creation and a wonderful piece of engineering I think. There are some more pictures of Bruges below for your perusal.
Right, I'm off to find another box of tissues. More next week.

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