We had a super weekend last weekend. Bright blue skies and warm sun, it really took me back to the days when we used to have four seasons in one year, and one of them being warm and sunny.
Unfortunately a photography trip lost out to a house and garden maintenance weekend. So instead of pointing my lenses at interesting places I was pushing my paintbrush up and down window frames and sorting out an overcrowded garden. My wife did her bit too whilst the little one contented herself with riding up and down the lane and making friends with another same named girl up the lane. Although I missed out on the photographs the house and garden definitely benefited from the work put in.
Frank Matthys, he of the Bruges in 3d book, has made contact and explained that the time he is spending in completing another two 3d books prior to their planned launch has prevented him answering my questions. He has reassured me that the questions will be answered as soon as his work schedule cools down.
As I mentioned last week I was in Wells last Thursday taking 3d photos of the Antiques Roadshow that was being filmed. These pictures will not be appearing on the 3d site, Wells not being a town or village, so you'll have to wait for the 3d book to come ot to see the results. However, I have posted below a small sample of 2d versions for you to peruse. The programme should be aired sometime in January 2009. I'll advise you nearer the time.
This weeks update is of the lovely village of Combe Hay and the last page of the new Bruges pictures have been made active.
Finally, I would like to leave you with some advice given to the British public back in 1939. With another war looming and economic oppression ahead, the Ministry of Information decided a morale boosting message needed to be put out to ensure the British stiff upper lip was kept, er, stiff. Their message was to...
...'Keep calm and carry on'.
Fantastic stuff. Just as apt today I think. This website thinks so too.
Till next week. (Photos below).

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