Thursday, March 13, 2008

Thursday 13th March 2008

Good day to you all.

Today's blog is being written, whilst heavily sedated, from my sick bed, hence the late posting. My 7 year old stepdaughter very kindly shared her virus with me at the weekend, and I've been off of work ever since. It's not the best of ways to spend a birthday is it? Yes, I'm yet another year older today. I now have 46 good years under my belt and now for number 47. Unfortunately my waist measurement is beginning to catch up with my age. I don't like the idea that the journey around my waist is longer than the journey down my inside leg. As soon as this virus clears it's back to the exercise regime.

As for the photography, well the virus has taken care of any trips out. Having said that, the weather here has hardly been photography weather. Extremely high winds combining with hailstones and rain means my camera stays in the bag.

So a short blog from me today. Too much computer work just amplifies my headache.

Just a quick mention that Loxton is this week’s update on the main site.

As far as my birthday is concerned, I’m going to do my best to ignore my virus and enjoy it the best I can.

I have no fear of getting old. After all, it’s much better than the alternative.

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