Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Thursday 24th July - Buckland St Mary

Hello to you all,

Last weekend my Secretary and I ventured off into the Somerset countryside to record some more villages for the 3d website.

We started in Buckland St Mary and had a good look around the village before entering the church after the morning service had ended. The interior is fantastic. One unusual feature was a ‘split grave’. This was of mother and son who both died within a short time of the baby’s birth. It is one of only three in the country, I was informed by a local parishioner, and is a quite stunning piece of work.

Split GravePulpitWall detail

We then ventured off to Chard for a bite to eat and to have a look around, followed by Combe St Nicholas and South Petherton on the way home.

I always take in more of where I am when the Secretary joins me. The walks around the villages are more leisurely and she also makes sure I don’t miss anything. On my own I tend to rush around each location, trying to get to as many places as I can to make sure I get as much out of the day as is possible. The first approach is by far the better one. Unfortunately, when the weather is poor for long periods I need to follow the latter method to ensure I have enough stock to last until the next fine weekend appears.

This week’s update is of
Lullington and the second page for Bembridge on the Isle of Wight has also been added.

More next week. Have a good one.

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