Thursday, May 29, 2008

Thursday 29th May 2008

Hello there,

So, Rain. Do you think we've had enough now? I know it's good for keeping the dust down, and for the garden, and for the water supplies, but really, do you think we've had enough yet?

This week I'm on holiday with my family on the Isle of Wight. I'm staying at my Sister-in-law's in Niton with her wonderful family. Now the forecast for today, the last time I looked, was for more rain, hence the opening statement. However, a look out of the window will reveal bright sunshine and, dare I say it, clear blue sky! So it looks hopeful for a photography day today.

We photographers rely on the weather forecast to be able to plan our missions, to ensure we are dressed for the elements and to make an effort to head towards the sunshine. The problem is we can't rely on the forecasts any more can we? They seem to change by the hour. I'm sure it wasn't always like this. I can remember when the forecast for the week was what we got and if the weather man/lady said it would be nice, it would be nice. They always got it right (apart from Mr Fish). Today I'd be just as well off checking some seaweed in the morning or checking where the cows are before going to bed.

This weeks update, Ashill, doesn't look much when you first arrive at the place. It will take a bit of exploring to find the interesting bits but they are well worth it and you can finish off your visit by taking home a gurt big flagon of the local apple juice.

Right, I'm off to make the most of what weather is out there before it changes. I'll let you know how I got on next week.

Have a good weekend.

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